It’s a proven factor; People buy the brands they see their favorite celebrities using in movies and TV shows. Consumers are influenced by these branded exposures and our services will help your brand take advantage of this valuable platform. We’re partners with top networks, music labels, and production studios around the globe.
Unicorn DreamWorks, is entertainment marketing agency comprised of strategists and activators who create sales engagement initiatives for celebrity driven tactics. At our core, we specialize in building brand recognition and creating consumer desire to purchase what celebrities endorse – on screen and in their everyday lives. We work with your strategy team to build a customized marketing program based on timing requirement and overall goals.

Bizimle çalışmak ister misiniz?
Yeni projelere her zaman açığız.Hizmetlerimiz
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart.
Events Management
Careful attention to detail and clean, well structured code ensures a smooth user experience for all your visitors.Social influencers
We bring influencers into your events, they influence your audience.Celebrity Leverage
We bring celebrities into your campaigns to help you get leverage on your appealBrand Endorsement
Your brand is organically endorsed with our servicesYaptığımız İşler
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